College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Anna Sibayan-Sarmiento, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Applied Linguistics, Foreign Language Pedagogy

Anna Sibayan-Sarmiento is an associate professor of Spanish at the Department of European Languages in the University of the Philippines Diliman. She obtained her PhD in Didactics of Language and Literature and her MA in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University of Barcelona. She has mainly published on adult foreign language acquisition and has recently taken interest in child language acquisition, interlanguage and crosslinguistic influence, translanguaging phenomena, and the teaching of foreign languages in postcolonial contexts.

Recent publications and/or research projects:
Research Projects:
Local co-promoter, “Strengthening Digital Research at the UP system: digitization of rare periodicals and training in Digital Humanities” University of Antwerp - University of the Philippines, 2018-2022
Project leader, Phase 1 of the Establishment of the Arts and Letters Cluster Research Ethics Review Committee (ALC-RERC), April - October 2022
Journal Articles:
Cabling, Kristine, et al. "Foreign Language Policy and Pedagogy in the Philippines: Potentials for a Decolonial Approach." Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South 8.2 (2020).
Ortuño Casanova, Rocío, and Anna Sarmiento. “Humanidades Digitales En Filipinas: Proyectos, Dificultades Y Oportunidades De La Colaboración Norte-Sur.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 36, no. Supplement_1, Oxford UP (OUP), June 2020, pp. i55–67.
Sibayan-Sarmiento, Anna. “How Multilingual Filipinos Learn Spanish as a Foreign Language: Some Crosslinguistic Considerations.” Philippine Humanities Review, vol. 1, University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD), 2018, pp. 1-13.
Book Chapters:
Blázquez-Carretero, Miguel, Luisa Young, and Anna Marie Sibayan-Sarmiento. “Enseñar español en Filipinas: de lengua oficial a lengua extranjera.” Atlas del ELE. Geolingüística de la enseñanza del español en el mundo. Volumen II. Asia oriental, edited by María del Carmen Méndez Santos y María del Mar Galindo Merino, 2022. Madrid: EnClaveELE. ISBN 978-84-18731-39-6
Sibayan-Sarmiento, Anna. “El papel de la influencia translingüística y el dominio lingüístico en la configuración de la interlengua española de los aprendices filipinos multilingües.” Metodología de investigación en didáctica del español como lengua extranjera (ELE): panorama de métodos básicos de investigación, edited by Du-Lu Hsiao and Rachid Lamarti, South Dakota Black Hills State UP, 2020.
Policy brief:
Cruz, Frances Antoinette, Naidyl Isis Bautista, Kristine Cabling, Jillian Loise Melchor, Jean Auguste Dominique Monsod, & Anna Marie Sibayan-Sarmiento. (2020). Policy outlooks for translation and related language policies in the Philippines. In UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (Policy Brief Series 2020-02). UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from
Discussion paper:
Bautista, Naidyl Isis, Kristine Cabling, Frances Antoinette Cruz, Jillian Loise Melchor, & Anna Marie Sibayan-Sarmiento. (2019). Pedagogy and Goal-Setting in Foreign Language Policy: Potentials for a Decolonial Framework. In UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (Discussion Paper Series 2019-11). UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from