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College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Loren Evangelista-Agaloos
Assistant Professor
Virginia Woolf; British modernism; urban studies; food studies

Selected publications:
Agaloos, Loren. "Food Innovations: The Conditions of 'Cookery' in Good Housekeeping." Modernist Review, October 2022.
Agaloos, Loren. “The Possibilities for Pan de Sal and Filipino Food.” Humanities Diliman, Volume 19 No. 1, July to December 2022.
Agaloos, Loren. “Urban ‘Apparitions’ in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and The London Scene." Longhand: The Journal of English and Comparative Literature, forthcoming.
Agaloos, Loren. “Nourished by Nature: An Ecocritical Take on Filipino Food.” Journal of Southeast Asian Ecocriticism, Volume 1 Issue 2, forthcoming.
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