College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Maria Rhodora Ancheta, Ph.D.
American literature, humor studies, everyday life, domestic literature, place studies, body studies

Selected publications:
“Flippin’: Contemporary Filipino-American Stand-up Comedy and Abjection as Tactic of In/exclusion” Asiatic Special Issue Voices From The Centre To The Peripheries Vol. 16 No. 1 (June 2022): 23-40.
“A Convergence of Filipino Worlds: An Onomastic Reading of Edgar Calabia Samar’s Janus Silang Novels” Southeast Asian Review of English (SARE) Worldbuilding and the Asian Imagination issue. 58. 1 (2021): 64-87. (published July 2021)
“Flogging Freakery: Manix Abrera’s Kikomachine and Humor and Everyday Life in Philippine Youth Culture” Humanities Diliman Journal 17. 2 (July-December 2020), 44-81.
“Poverty as Disembodiment: The Enfreakment of Animalized Philippine Bodies in Malou Jacob’s “Juan Tamban” and Nick Pichay’s “Babaeng Tilapia, Natagpuan sa Coastal Road” Philippine Humanities Review 19.2 (2017): 31-61. (published July 2019)
“Comic Geographies: Humor and the Transgressive Configuration of Asian Communities in Lat’s Kampung Boy” Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature. 17 (2018), 78-102. (Published July 2019).
“The Rise of the Naughties: Humor in Katy de la Cruz’s ‘bodabil’ songs” in Philippine Modernities: Music, Performing Arts, and Language, 1880-1941. Jose S. Buenconsejo, ed. Quezon City, Philippines: U of the Philippines P, 2018, 331-360.
Halakhak: National Humor in Philippine Popular Cultural Forms. Quezon City, Philippines: U of the Philippines P, 2017. ( shortlisted for the 2018 National Book Award for Best Literary Criticism)
“Imagined Homelands: Fractured Domesticities as Disparate Histories in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed Earth” Thoughts (Chulalongkorn University) 1: 2017, 37-58.
“In Stitches: Con/Refiguring the Language of Wit and Humor in Contemporary Filipino Poetry in English”, Asiatic-IIUM Journal, December 2015: 74-88.