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Marie Aubrey Villaceran, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Gender studies, arts-based research



Selected publications:

Valdez, Isabel Kristine M., et al. "Violence against women in the Philippines: barriers to seeking support." The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific 23 (2022).

Villaceran, Marie Aubrey and Jimenez, Myrna. "Women and the environment." Philippine NGO Beijing+25 Report, edited by R. Ofreneo and J. Illo, UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, 2020.

Villaceran, Marie Aubrey. "Migration motivations of Filipino marriage migrants in Australia". The Australian Sociological Association 2013 Conference Proceedings: Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology, edited by Nicholas Osbaldiston and Caroline Strong & Helen Forbes-Mewett, Monash University, 2013.

Villaceran, Marie Aubrey. "Literary ethnography: ethnographic writing as a good read." Diliman Review 59.1-4 (2012).

Villaceran, Marie Aubrey. “Sinigang”. A la carte: Food and
Fiction, Anvil Publishing, pp. 133-139, 2019.

Villaceran, Marie Aubrey. “Cravings”. Philippines Free Press, March 2015.

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