College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Zarah Dane Dimagmaliw-Tan
Assistant Professor
Teaching French as a Foreign Language, Translation Studies

Zarah Dane Dimagmaliw-Tan is Assistant Professor at the Department of European Languages of the University of the Philippines Diliman since November 2008. She was president of the Association des Professeurs de Français aux Philippines (Association of French Professors in the Philippines) from 2011-2018 and vice-president from 2018 to present. She has an undergraduate degree of BA European Languages and a master’s degree in MA French Translation both from UP Diliman. She has another master’s degree in Language Didactics focusing on Program Development in the Teaching of French as a Foreign Language from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has been published in the Philippine Humanities Review, the CHED-accredited refereed journal of the College of Arts and Letters of the UP Diliman and in Dialogues et Culture, one of the official publications of the Fédération internationale des professeurs de français (International Federation of French Professors). Her current research interests include the translation of Philippine mythology in French anthropology publications, teacher training, program development, and textbook writing for the Special Program in Foreign Language of the Department of Education.

Journal articles:
Tan, Zarah Dane. “Ang Paglayo ng Langit: Pagsusuri sa Salin sa Filipino ng Limang Kabanata ng “L’Éloignement du ciel: Invention et mémoire des mythes chez les Palawan du sud des Philippines.” Philippine Humanities Review Vol. 20, Issue 2, 2018, Apr. 2021, pp. 5–20.
Tan, Zarah Dane. “La formation initiale des professeurs de français aux Philippines.” Dialogues et Cultures, Éditions L’Harmattan, 2018, pp. 61–72.