College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Flaudette May Datuin, PhD is Professor Department of Art Studies, College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines. She is the main author of Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions (2018, Rex Publications), which she co-wrote with three other colleagues. Datuin teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on art and society, art theory and aesthetics, art history and art criticism.
Prof. Datuin wrote numerous publications in national and international publications. Her first book on Filipina Artists in the Visual Arts from the nineteenth century to the 90s (Home Body Memory) emerged from her engagement with women artists in the Philippines and Asia. From her research on women artists in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea and Japan (through grants from the Asian Public Intellectuals and the Asian Scholarship Foundation, Japan Foundation Asia Center, among others), she curated and organized exhibitions and forums, among them Women Imaging Women (1996-1997), trauma, interrupted (2006-2007), and Nothing to Declare (2010-2011).
Datuin’s current research and pedagogical interests include gender issues in the arts, art and ecology and art and healing. In her most recent writings and engagements she is veering towards interdisciplinary method and pedagogy. She is part of a team that teaches an interdisciplinary course on Disaster Risk Mitigation, Adaptation and Preparedness Strategies (DRMAPS) based at the UP College of Engineering. As scholar in residence in LaSalle-SIA, Singapore, and her keynote addresses at the University of Sydney and University of Melbourne in 2019 she brought into the masters classes and public addresses problems of art historical methods and how art history, criticism and curation can contribute and respond to broader and urgent concerns, where the earth – as seen in the ongoing health and ecological crises – is reaching, if not already, its tipping point in the context of environmental disequilibria on a planetary scale.

Useless but Vital: Teaching Humanities in a Time of Crisis
Home, Body, Memory: Filipina Artists in the Visual Arts, 19th Century to the Present
FMV Datuin
University of the Philippines Press
Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art
N Taylor, B Ly
Cornell University Press
The Goddess and the Mural Painter: Phaptawan Suwannakudt’s murals’
FMV Datuin
ART AsiaPacific
text and Subtext
FMV Datuin
Art AsiaPacific 29
At the fringes in the Philippines
F Datuin
Artlink 20 (2)
Selftaught against the Grain: Three Artists and a Writer
A Wright
eds. Flaudette May Datuin and Patrick Flores, Women Imagining Women: Home …
Reclaiming The Healing Arts of The Ancient Priestess: Babaylanism as Site of Southeast Asian" Feminisms".
FMV Datuin
Wacana Seni Journal of Arts Discourse 11
Reclaiming the Southeast Asian Goddess: Examples from Contemporary Art by Women (Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia)."
FMV Datuin
Image & Gender 6, 105-19
Land, Locality, and Communion: The International Baguio Arts Festival
FMV Datuin
Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 34-40
Women imaging women: Feminine spaces, dissident voices
FMV Datuin
Text and Subtext: Contemporary Art and Asian Woman, 16-31
Pssing through fire
FMV Datuin
Art AsiaPacific 26
Women Imaging Women: Home, Body, Memory: Papers from the Conference on Artists from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, Cultural Center of the Philippines, March 11 …
FMV Datuin, PD Flores
Art Studies Foundation
Contemporary Philippine arts from the regions
FM Datuin, R Paulino, EL Ramirez, L Marcelino
Rex Book Store
The Grid and the Nomadic Line in the Art of Phaptawan Suwannakudt
FV May Datuin
Contemporary Aesthetics (Journal Archive), 4
Filipina Artist in the Fine Arts: Disrupted Genealogies, Emerging Identities
FMV Datuin
More Pinay than We Admit: The Social Construction of the Filipina, 150-83
Women imaging women: Home, body, memory
FMV Datuin, PD Flores
Ford Foundation
Speaking to the World: The Filipino Artist Home and Away
VD Flaudette May
Pananaw: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts III
Home, Family, Journey
FM Datuin
Ruiz, Jose Tence
Why Gender Does Not Matter in Southeast Asian Politics: Towards a Feminist Retelling of Southeast Asian His/Herstories
FMV Datuin
Review of Women's Studies 9 (1-2)
Art and society
FMV Datuin
University of the Philippines