College of Arts and Letters

University of the Philippines Diliman
Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura

Wystan de la Peña
Philippine literature in Spanish, Spanish literature, translation theory

Wystan de la Peña teaches Hispanic literature, Spanish history, and translation theory in UP Diliman and has been nominated twice for the National Book Award, translation category. He has published and presented papers on Philippine literature in Spanish in national and international conferences. His significant book publications include: "Cartas sobre la revolución" (1997), a translation into Filipino of Mariano Ponce's correspondence as the country's diplomatic representative to Japan; “Portrait of the Artist in 1956,” an annotated translation of Jaime Gil de Biedma’s journal while in the Philippines, found in “Jaime Gil de Biedma in the Philippines” (2016); “Doña Perfecta” (2004) a translation into Filipino of the famous 19th century Spanish novel; and “Líneas copiadas del cuaderno de un poeta muerto joven” (2021), a poetry anthology in Spanish. He edited “The Legacy of Consuelo Paz: A Festschtift” (2022).

Journal articles:
"Jorge Mojarro's 'More Hispanic than We Admit 3: Filipino and Spanish Interactions Over the Centuries, Quincentennial edition, 1521-1820'" (Book review), UNITAS, Vol 94, No.1, 2021, pp. 223-231.
"Reading Military Masculinity in Fil-Hispanic and Spanish American Novels," UNITAS, Vol. 92 No. 1, May 2019, pp. 344-370.
"The 'Chosen Nation' Theme in Cold War Fil-Hispanic Poetry: A Reading of 'Rimas Filipinas' (1964), Philippine Humanities Review, Vol, 20, No. 2, 2018, pp. 21-46.